Draw near to God

Draw near to God

Draw near to God

Seeking God

Date: May 3, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

If there is one that God looks for in our Life, that we be people who seek after him everyday. But in the world we live we always face challenges that make us become inconsistent in our prayer and bible reading habits.

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua shares few ways on overcoming habits that hinder our relationship with God.

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Power of the Blood

Power of the Blood

Power of the Blood

Good Friday Sermon

Date: Apr 10, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

Good Friday is the time of the year when we remind ourselves of all that Jesus has done for us on the cross. One important truth about the death of Jesus was that he shed till the last drop of his blood.

Although the blood does signify the extent of Jesus’ suffering, on the other hand it also demonstrates to us the power of his blood. When we look at the blood from a spiritual perspective, we will understand that the blood of Jesus has changed our lives forever.

In this Sermon, Pastor Joshua shares about the power of the Blood of Jesus

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God, My Defender

God, My Defender

God, My Defender

My God stands for me

Date: April 5, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

When we face challenge, we may often feel helpless and defenseless. But the bible reminds us that the word of God we serve is our defender.

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua shares from Joshua 1:5 about how our God defends us.

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Hope in the Darkest times

Hope in the Darkest times

Hope in the Darkest times

Reigniting our Hope

Date: Mar 22, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

It is easy to loose in the darkest times. It’s easy to lose our trust and faith in the Lord. But in moments like these, we have to hold on to God more than ever because only he can rebuild our Hope once again.

In this sermon Pastor Joshua shares four names and the nature of God that will reignite our Hope in Him.

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Preserve your Prayer Life

Preserve your Prayer Life

Preserve your Prayer Life

Building a Lifestyle of Prayer

Date: Mar 18, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

Prayer is the most fundamental activity of the Christian life. Sometimes, it is so fundamental that we fail to do pray.

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua shares two ways to Preserve your Prayer life.

Listen, share and be blessed.

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