Put on Jesus Christ

Put on Jesus Christ

Put on Jesus

Living a consistent spiritual life

Date: Jan 9, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

The biggest challenge we often face in our spiritual life is consistency; one day we are excited about God but another day, we feel low. We go through the motions and seasons of life. At that time we wonder if spirituality is really for me, or can I even be who God wants me to be. We may feel discouraged. But the bible gives us powerful advice that will help us to build a spiritual life that is consistent.

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Lifestyle of Gratitude

Lifestyle of Gratitude

Lifestyle of Gratitude

In everything give thanks

Date: Jan 26, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

In Philippians 4:6, Paul urges the church to pray and make thier requests known to God..and he encourages to add one more thing to prayer that is, “Thankfulness”. As we make our requests known to God we have to express gratefulness for what God has already done. But if we pray without gratitude our prayers can turn into complaints.

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua shares about the power of gratefulness. Listen, share and be blessed.


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Don’t lose your faith

Don’t lose your faith

Don’t lose your Faith

It will be just as God said

Date: Jan 12, 2020
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

Faith is the Oxygen of the Christian Life and the Bible makes it clear that without faith it is impossible to please God. Often times we begin our journey with great faith but slowly our faith begins to grow weak and we start to doubt and question the word God has spoken to us. As a result, our faith becomes weak.

What God desires from us, is to have a faith that is unshakable in any circumstances; a faith that can move mountains.

In this Sermon, Pastor Joshua shares valuable insights from the faith of Paul as he journeys to Rome.

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Failed Expectations

Failed Expectations

Failed Expectations

Miracle in the making

Date: Dec 15, 2019
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

As we reach the end of the year, there is always an sense of guilt that this year didn’t go the way we expected. We wished to see our dreams, goals and expectations happen this year but unfortunately it hasn’t. In situations like these we might wonder; Has God abandoned me ? or Is he still working in my life ?

Questions may pound our heart making us leave discouraged and hopeless about the coming year.

In the Bible, there’s a character called Gideon who goes through similar situation; he had expectation but it wasn’t fulfilled for a period of time. There are some very valuable lessons we can learn from the life of Gideon about failed expectations.

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua shares valuable insights from the Life of Gideon.

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Never take for Granted

Never take for Granted

Never take God for Granted

Lessons from the Life of Ananias and Sapphira

Date: Dec 8, 2019
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

Acts chapter 5 records one of bible’s fearful stories about a couple who faced instant judgement from God for hiding the truth. But as we look at the story, there is more to learn than just about two people loosing their lives.

In this Sermon, Pastor Joshua shares valuable insights on that we can take from the lives of Ananias and Sapphira on never taking God for granted.

Listen, Share and be blessed.

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Seeing life through God’s Perspective

Seeing life through God’s Perspective

Seeing Life through God’s Perspective

How does God see me ?

Date: Nov 26, 2019
Preached by: Pr. Joshua Paul

We, often we feel overwhelmed and are unable to overcome challenges because we see life through our own perspective. In our perspective, the pain we are experiencing might seem like the end of life but in God’s perspective, pain serves a purpose.

So, instead of living life based on the way we see ourselves, we have to learn to see it based on God’s perspective.

In this Sermon Pastor Joshua Paul shares on the importance and truths that we will understand if we see life through God’s perspective.

Listen, share and be blessed.


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